The Image of the Scientist

The Image of the ScientistLeaving my postdoc also meant leaving my health insurance.  In Massachusetts, where health insurance is required, that means you’d better find some more, quickly.  So I got on the phone and made a few calls.  This is the exact conversation I had with an insurance salesman, no kidding:

Broker: “Let me ask you a few questions to help me understand what kind of coverage might be best for you.”
Me: “Sure, no problem”
B: “Who is your current health insurance provider?”
M: “Blue Cross Blue Shield”
B: “OK, and you are currently getting that through your employer?”
M: “That’s correct.”
B: “And who would that be?”
M: “MIT”
B: “OK, and you need insurance because you’re leaving MIT?”
M: “That’s right”
B: “What are you going to be doing next?”
M: “I’m going to work on a creating website for scientists”
B: “Oh yeah? Are you a scientist?”
M: “Yeah, I work in a research lab”
B: “No kidding- you don’t sound like a nerd”

Seriously?!  On a health insurance call?!  Oh man, that’s bad.

How did we get here?

Scientists play an essential role in almost every aspect of life- from determining the future of human health down to developing a more effective zit cream.  Yet somehow, our branding as a group in no way reflects these contributions.  Instead, we are regarded as an anti-social group of weirdos who, apparently, should even sound different.  As someone who has spent the last 15 years performing research, the real tragedy here is that lost amid the stereotypes are the incredible diversities of interests, personalities and backgrounds of the individuals working in labs around the world.

Are we stuck with this label forever?  Is there a new term that you’d rather be identified with?  Have any similar stories of your own?

It’s time to show society that the modern scientist has long since outgrown the stereotypes of the past.

4 comments so far. Join The Discussion

  1. [email protected]

    wrote on July 29, 2009 at 9:04 pm

    This can sometimes even be bad within your own family. When I was nominated President of my undergraduate Honors Biology Group my mom started calling me "Queen of the Nerds." I just embraced it.
    ~Your Royal Highness

  2. leslie

    wrote on July 29, 2009 at 10:17 pm

    You scientists can't catch a break. Either you're mad or you're nerds. Gotta be brutal.

  3. dayman

    wrote on July 29, 2009 at 6:53 pm

    Can't we be both?

  4. Tina

    wrote on July 31, 2009 at 2:57 pm

    My husband and I recently spent a weekend up the CA coast in Mendocino. The lady host at our bed-&-breakfast (our first time at one) was super friendly. We were not used to that much friendliness! One morning at breakfast she asked what we did. When we said scientist, she was so surprised. She said " But you both talk and act so normal". It was hilarious. Then she felt so bad and spent the next 30 min apologizing for assuming that all scientists are socially awkward. Come to think of it she was the weird one!

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