How to Address the Funky-Smelling Lunch Problem

Dear Dora: Smelly lunch problemDear Dora,

More than half of our lab is made up of international students and postdocs. This is a good thing- except at lunch. By the time the microwave is done warming up everyone’s food, the smell is soooo bad that sitting in the lunchroom is unbearable. Most of our lab eats together and were it not for the smell, it would be fun. Is there anything I can do to fix this without seriously offending someone or missing out on group lunch?

– Claire, grad student


Dear Claire,

It sounds like delicious food is cooking inside your kitchen! I can assure you that you are not the only one sensitive to smells, and you might do others a favor by acting on this sensitive subject (Did you read my column a few months ago about delicate ways to approach the post-doc with bad breath?).

The lunchroom is a shared area, and everyone needs to be respectful of other people’s sensitivities. One possibility is to eat outside or to open the windows, but of course that is not always an option. Many schools, for example, have a “no perfume” rule due to smell sensitivities/allergies. I also know people who do not bring certain types of food to work (e.g. fish) to avoid the unpleasant smells, so your requests would be very reasonable.

Is there someone you feel comfortable talking to about this issue, such a friend in the group? He/she might share your concerns and you can think about options together. For example, you could post a survey in the kitchen where people could “vote” anonymously on whether the smell bothers them or not. If you are not the only one, then it would be reasonable to request that people do not bring strong-smelling foods to work to respect other people’s sensitivities. (By the way, American foods such as mac & cheese and buttered popcorn smell strongly too).

Whichever way you approach it, I would recommend an ally, such as a friend, secretary or even the PI, to help you approach this subject in a sensitive manner.


Dora Farkas, Ph.D. is the author “The Smart Way to Your Ph.D.:200 Secrets from 100 Graduates,” and the founder of PhDNet, an online community for graduate students and PhDs. You will find links to her book, monthly newsletters, and discussion board on her site. Send your questions to [email protected] and keep an eye out for them in an upcoming issue!

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1 comment so far. Join The Discussion

  1. doktorr

    wrote on October 28, 2011 at 5:25 pm

    i'm always amazed at the lack of consideration most people have when it comes to packing a lunch. i don't know if it's that they seriously don't think their lunch stinks or if they just don't care. i guess i'd prefer it's the former, but my hunch says it's not.

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